Municipal Parks and Recreation Committees

Please click on the Municipality's Committee below, and you will be taken to that municipality's website.  Not only should you be able to find Committee info., but if a municipality has a parks, recreation, and open space plan or facilities plan or even bike plans, those documents should be available for viewing.

College Township Parks and Recreation CommitteeMount Nittany
The Parks and Recreation Committee is made up of nine members, each with a five year term; they provide recommendations to Council regarding the maintenance and development of park land owned by the Township and annually prepares a five-year development plan for existing parks. The members are volunteer residents, appointed by Council. Meetings are held at 7 PM at the College Twp. Municipal Bldg., unless noted otherwise.

Ferguson Township Parks and Recreation Committee
Ferguston Township recently formed a Parks and Recreation Committee, with the first meeting being held in early February, 2018. 

Harris Township Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is comprised of seven residents who are responsible for overseeing the Township’s seven parks.

Patton Township
The Recreation Advisory Committee (RAC) is made up of five township residents. The Committee advises the Board of Supervisors on improvements needed to the Township's park system and oversees the completion of park projects approved by the Board. The Committee prepares and presents for Board approval a Township Park Facilities Plan. When adopted by the Board, the plan becomes the framework for the committee's work on identifying specific park improvements to be included in each year's budget.

At this time, the Borough of State College does not have a Parks and Recreation Committee.